
来源:佳士得在线 | 2023-10-25 10:44:22
佳士得在线 | 2023-10-25 10:44:22




Fan Zeng (July 5,1938-), word ten wings, don't hold the Lord, Jiangsu Nantong, zanu-pf members, Chinese contemporary Confucianism, thinker, Chinese master [2], painting and calligraphy masters, writer, poet, is now the Chinese institute of Peking university, nankai university and Nantong university only professor, the United Nations educational, scientific and cultural organization "multicultural special adviser".

Fan once advocated "return to classical and return to nature", practiced the aesthetic principle of "poetry as the soul and books as the bone", and made great contributions to the development of Chinese painting, creating the first art of "neoclassical". In 1984, the Fanzeng Museum of Art in Okayama was established in Japan. In 1986, he donated money and presided over the Department of Oriental Art of Nankai University. In 2008, fandzeng Art Museum of Nantong University was inaugurated. In 2011, he won the Lifetime Achievement Award. Fan won the IOC President's Cup Award during the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics. 

