
来源:佳士得在线 | 2023-10-23 10:02:48
佳士得在线 | 2023-10-23 10:02:48


已创作1000首诗词,获评诗词博士、诗词状元诗词100名。全国诗词大赛特等奖,获评当代文学之星,作品入选中国图书馆、现代文学馆。紫禁城600周年纪念作品入选《国宝诗人典藏》。中国对外文化管理部把我的作品《小平南巡》制作工艺品由外交部赠送一带一路40国政要并为国家博物馆永久收藏。已创作3000幅书法作品。个人专著有《中国高等美术院校教学范本》等28种,入选上100多种刊物及国瓷、邮册、名酒、刺绣、茶叶、名胜刻石。受国内外大奖上100种。现系中华诗词学会会员,特级美术师,国家级书法师,文化部一级艺术大师,国家级十大艺术大师,人民大会堂书画艺术顾问,香港凤凰新闻首席艺术顾问,美国哈佛大学艺术院外籍院士,中国十大文化脊梁,十大最具收藏价值艺术家,中央电视台艺术导师等。国家外事工作委员会授予:“大国外交文艺使者”并特邀同王毅部长出版 2024 年特制挂历推向全世界。 



Lai Dongfa, male, Hakka, was born in Fenggang, Dongguan in November 1930. Former principal of Dongguan Overseas Chinese Middle School, member of Dongguan CPPCC and deputy leader of education Group of CPPCC. He has been in the army for 7 years and 4 months and 68 years of party age.

He has created 1000 poems, and won 100 poetry doctors and champion in poetry. The grand prize of the National Poetry Competition was awarded as the star of Contemporary Literature, and his works were selected into the Chinese Library and Modern Literature Museum. A work commemorating the 600th anniversary of the Forbidden City was selected into the National Treasure Poets Collection. The Ministry of Foreign Cultural Management of China made my work "Xiaoping Southern Tour" handicraft by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs presented Belt and Road 40 national dignitaries and permanent collection for the National Museum. He has created 3,000 calligraphy works. There are 28 kinds of personal monographs, such as "Teaching Model of Chinese Higher Art Colleges and universities", which are selected into more than 100 publications and national porcelain, stamp books, famous wine, embroidery, tea, stone carving of scenic spots.100 awards. Is now a member of the Chinese poetry society, super artist, national calligrapher, ministry of culture level master of art, national ten masters, the great hall of the people painting and calligraphy art consultant, Hong Kong phoenix news chief art adviser, foreign member of Harvard University academy of art, China's top ten culture ridge, ten most valuable artists, CCTV art mentor, etc. The Foreign Affairs Commission of the State awarded the title of "Diplomatic Literary envoy of great Countries" and specially invited him with Minister Wang Yi to publish a special calendar for 2024 to the world.

